
Introvert vs extrovert

Alright, here is a burning question. Are you an introvert or an extra word? People want to identify as Extrovert . They think that being extrovert means being cool. Being too cool for the world. Extroverted attitude or behaviour will always be appreciated. They want to convey that they talk a lot.  The interact with everyone. They talk to everybody. They have expressive body language. They are very passionate and opinionated. Of course, t his is what they think this may not be the fact? Now, according to these self-identified extroverts, the introverts are the ones who do not talk a lot. They remain quiet and they remain quiet is because they must be shy. They lack self-confidence. They do not want to express themselves, because they are shy. They do not want to express their opinions because they are afraid that what other people will think about them. This is the extraordinary opinion about the introverts. I often get asked this question. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? I do no

Bus route

I had a weird encounter today.  I was travelling in a bus (that is not the weird encounter). I boarded the bus. I took the bus ticket.  After that I asked the bus conductor "What is the return route for this bus?". I asked this question because I had travelled in this bus earlier.  At that time while returning, the route of the bus was different. I only wanted to know that which route the bus takes while returning. The bus conductor got confused. He told me that this bus is going to the bus depot. To that I said "yes, I am aware that this bus is going to the bus depot. I want to know the return route of this bus." He was still confused. He said "The bus will take the same route." I said "no, that is not the case. I had taken this bus earlier and it takes a different route while returning. I want to know which route is that." To which he told me that this is bus number 88. So it takes the route for the bus number 88. This was a pretty obvious answ

Astrology and human behavior

I am in my thires. Over all these years, I have met several people of these people. Some people were nice, whereas some were not so nice. There are some people who often come across as rude. OK, there could be one instance where they could have been rude. But I would still give the a pass. But if I noticed that they have been rude to me on several occasions I would call that out. I would tell them that their behaviour was not nice. To some people, when I told them that their behaviour towards me or someone else was not nice. They responded by saying "I did not realise that and I would try to be nice." There were some people whom I told them that their behaviour was not nice. They said "Oh, this is how I am. I am not going to change for anybody." So do you expect the world to cope with your atrocious behaviour? Give me a break. Then there were many people who said that "Oh my behaviour is not governed by my nature. Rather, it is governed by my zodiac sign or my

Celebrity worshipping

Okay, why is everyone so obsessed with celebrities? They are human beings just like all of us. celebrities, they get their celebrity status because of us. We make them bigger than they actually are. So here is a weird thing about celebrities. They begin as just like us working class. Or maybe middle class? Maybe higher class whatever. When they begin with their career, they are just normal people. They are not famous (most of them) and they suddenly become famous. It could be because of the talent, because of good publicity. There could be numerous reasons.  But when they become famous, they start thinking that they are above the rest of us. They consider themselves equivalent to gods. They think that they are better than everyone. They get this God complex, which is unnecessary. Then they start throwing tantrums. They start showing their celebrity attitude. Worse than that celebrities think that, because of the celebrity status, they have a better understanding of the complicated prob

What's your number

It is often said age is just a number.  I disagree. Age is a demographic parameter. While reacting to various circumstances, our age varies.  While supporting our family, staying strong in the difficult time, or fighting for a cause, we behave like someone in their 40s.  While giving someone a life lesson, we act like 60 year olds.  While forgiving and forgetting, we have the innocence of 5 year old in our hearts.  When showing affection to the ones we admire, we become teenagers.  I believe age as a number is only for medical purposes and legal formalities. Otherwise, we will always be too young or too old.

Middle class life is a sustainable life
